Denmark’s regulator, Spillemyndigheden, is collaborating with the country’s consumer ombudsman and the Gambling Advertising Board (Spilreklamenævnet) to ensure that gambling operators comply with local marketing regulations. This alliance aims to safeguard consumer interests by enhancing the enforcement of advertising standards within the gambling industry.

Spilreklamenævnet, established in 2021 to address consumer complaints, plays a pivotal role in this collaborative effort. The board will forward cases to the ombudsman, while the regulator will handle violations of rules. This tripartite coordination ensures that the regulations are consistently upheld, thereby protecting consumers from misleading or harmful advertisements.

The three parties will engage in regular communication to ensure that rules are being properly enforced. They will also conduct annual meetings to coordinate their enforcement activities, thereby avoiding any duplication of work. According to consumer ombudsman Torben Jense, this agreement represents a significant step forward in the supervision of gambling companies’ marketing practices. The improved internal communication and coordination will not only streamline the process but also enhance consumer protection.

The consumer ombudsman is tasked with ensuring that gambling operators comply with the Danish Marketing Act and consumer protection laws. Spilreklamenævnet is responsible for upholding the industry’s code of conduct, which aims to protect vulnerable groups and children from the potential harms of gambling advertising. This ensures that marketing practices within the industry are ethical and responsible.

Established operators and operator groups, such as the online operator association Spillebranchen, the gaming machine body Dansk Automat Brancheforening, and Danske Spil, are among the bodies committed to supporting Spilreklamenævnet. Their commitment underscores the industry’s recognition of the importance of ethical marketing practices and consumer protection.

In March, Spillemyndigheden published a comprehensive guide on gambling marketing and advertising. This guide provides operators with detailed guidelines on how to market their services responsibly. The regulator emphasized that any operator found to be in breach of the Danish Marketing Practices Act would be reported to the ombudsman for further processing. This proactive approach ensures that operators are well-informed about the expectations and standards they must adhere to.

The enhanced cooperation between Spillemyndigheden, the consumer ombudsman, and Spilreklamenævnet is designed to benefit consumers by ensuring that gambling advertisements are fair, transparent, and do not exploit vulnerable individuals. By maintaining strict oversight and coordination, these bodies are working together to create a safer and more responsible gambling environment in Denmark.

The collaboration between Denmark’s gambling regulator, consumer ombudsman, and Spilreklamenævnet marks a significant step forward in the regulation of gambling marketing. This joint effort not only strengthens the enforcement of advertising standards but also ensures that consumers are better protected from misleading and harmful advertisements. Through regular communication, annual meetings, and a shared commitment to upholding the law, these bodies are working diligently to maintain a fair and responsible gambling market in Denmark.